Wednesday, May 27, 2009

More, more, more

Another sleepless night. I have a couple more lectures and some reading to do before I turn in. I figured I'd procrastinate a bit and blow off some steam. Or whatever's PG about it. The 3 weeks are slowly whittling down to 2. And I still have a lot more to do. I think I have a good plan right now. Do some lectures in the morning and by the evening, do as many questions as I can (at least 100+). Pathology and the rest of the body systems are getting a once over. After this week, it will all be Micro, Pharm, and OMM until the bitter end. Grrr. Just keep working and you'll be all right. Bring it.
I'm thinking of going to Acadia National Park (Thanks Jon, for suggesting it) in Maine for the highpoint of my roadtrip. Then cover the rest of the state and whatever else I missed on the way back. One of few things I'm actually looking forward to doing. I also got my 3rd year rotation schedule, so it's kinda nice and sobering to know that there is an abundance of work ahead, after I get back. No sweat, right? Right.
It's nice to get encouragement from time to time. I met some 4th year friends of mine today. They're enjoying their month off right now before they head out to their internships. Just the mere fact alone that they were standing there, graduated, giving me a pep talk is a good enough affirmation that there is light at the end of this tunnel. Things have been worse. I just have to keep moving, day in and day out. The work is good and I don't mind it as much as I used to. It keeps me sane (weird, I know).
That's it for now, I guess. I'll write again if there is something more substantial that's worth writing about.
Good night.

Song of the day: "Sad Song" - The Spring Standards

I'm a sucker for harmony. And this song ain't really sad at all =)

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