Sunday, May 9, 2010


The wind is absolutely ridiculous today and tonight.
It threw a branch at my windshield on my way to the movies this evening! Good thing my windshield is branch resistant.
Saw Ironman 2 with baby brother and nephew. Awesome boys night out. This was a much needed break from doing double duty all week (studying for Peds SHELF exam while reviewing Head and Neck anatomy for the sake of tutoring 1st years effectively does not a happy 3rd year med student make).
I am currently gutting through a mildish stomach ache. I don't know if it is some sort of a viral thing caught from the pediatrics office or some other place (despite my constant hand washing, picking up bugs comes as second nature to me), or the beef w/ broccoli this afternoon, or the pack of Haribo Gummy Bears I scarfed down during the movie...whatever it is, I am not a big fan at the moment.
Peds week has moved from the ER to the office. And I like it! The doctors are nice, the nurses are great, and the babies are ridiculously cute...even when they're sick! One of the docs told me that I work well with kids and that I seem to like what I'm doing and that I should consider Peds as an option. Once more, indecision rears its ugly head. Ugh, why can't I just stick to one thing?
Mom's day tomorrow. The fam is taking my mom and mom-in-law (well, my sister's mom-in-law) to Arthur's steakhouse. Should be delicious and fun.

I still can't sleep. Now I have this song running through my head.

Song of the day: "Sara Smile" - Brian McKnight (Hall & Oates Cover)


Single and Picky said...

Those kids... they suck in everyone. I would say sure why not? Maybe pick a peds surgical option - best of both worlds. Now I will pass on the advice of my boss in regards to that suggestion. He picked pediatric ophthalmology because it's the "cleanest" and his patients don't die. I will say we have had the unfortunate case where we have diagnosed cancer and then referred them out of the practice. So basically he took the position as someone who wanted children he couldn't deal with the possibly of losing patients. So if you can see yourself still seeing the positive in a specialty that involves children and the possibility of death - then go for it.

Morbid - No?

Anyways Happy Mother's Day to your mom

the one in the back said...

It a part of the business unfortunately. We just try not to have it under our watch.
Happy Mother's Day to your mom as well. I hope things are patched up more between the two of you.

Jillian (back to the nest) said...

I hate Hall & Oates songs but LOVE Hall & Oates covers...who knew? The Bird and the Bee has a really good version of this song, as well as a slew of others.

the one in the back said...

Hi Jill! Well, I guess you can't win them all. I like Hall and Oates for all their 80s glory, I suppose. But yes, The Bird And The Bee made a wonderful album covering their songs. I wanted to put their version of "Sara Smile" but I had already put up another TB&TB song (See April 20th, 2010 entry) a few blogs prior and I didn't want to be redundant. I saw the pics of the marathon, btw. Congratulations!