Sunday, November 28, 2010

Good song

Don't you just hate it when you got a kick ass song on the radio on your way back home and you're uber pumped and you're singing the shit out of the tune when all of the sudden, you run out of air and you end up choking on your spit as you gasp desperately to catch your breath?  Ugh, now it hurts to cough, it hurts to breathe, and I am not the driving rock star I envisioned myself to be.


P.S. Still coughing.

Song of the day: "No Such Thing As Love" - Bleu

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Give thanks

Happy thanksgiving everyone!

There are always many things in our lives that we can gripe about (please see the previous numerous entries), but we must always remember the few things in our lives that we can be thankful for.  These are the things that help to sustain us in our hard times.  These are the things that help to put our minds and lives into perspective, knowing that so many more people out there are much less fortunate than us.  And perhaps we all should be moved to share such good fortune with our neighbors and fellowmen.  Not just so we can feel better about ourselves or prove to others that we are charitable or better than they are or gain brownie points for heaven, but more so to remind us that wishing for a better world doesn't begin with the next person...No.  It begins with us.  And it doesn't take much to do a good deed...a simple thank you, a smile for the day, a helping hand, hell a simple silent moment so we can listen better to what the other person is trying to tell us.  Whatever you can think or do to make another's day a little better does count for a lot.  Now, imagine if that simple human decency is carried out by  I think it would blow many people's minds as to how peaceful our race can really be.  Perhaps then, we might be recognized by the aliens as a species that's worthy of inclusion in the grand galactic federation of planets.  Perhaps.
The point is, it is only too easy to fall into hard times.  There is no talisman that can ward off the next illness or the next financial loss or the next catastrophe.  Our good deeds may not prevent the end of the world, but we can always hope to inspire a few more souls out there with our humble yet powerful actions, and maybe, just maybe...even at the end of the world, life itself, wouldn't be so bad.  Not when we can be thankful for each other.
And so, here are my thank yous...
1. To my family, for being themselves.  Despite all my arguing and bellyaching, they are always there for me.  Love you and thank you!
2. To new friends.  You know who you are.  Thank you for your time, support, and most of all, your acceptance of this eccentric, odd duckling.  It's nice to know I have a place to stay when I'm in your neighborhood.  And yes, you can stay with me when you're in my neck of the woods.
3. To old friends.  It's nice to know that we can always pick up where we left off even if we haven't seen each other in a long while.  That, and I can always rely on you all if I need to get rid of a body...figuratively speaking, of course.
4. To my health.  While it may not exactly be good, it can always be worse.
5. To those who helped me along the way...through med school, rotations, sub-I's, for sharing their couches, food, wisdom and good company...many many thanks!
6. To my car, for being such a trooper after all the miles of driving up and down Jersey and many points outside...way outside!
7. To the hard times.  Yes, I know what I said.  They always tear me down, but somehow I find myself always built up.  Better (It also helps when you have family and friends to back you up).
8. To my Garmin Nuvi, for ALMOST always getting me there.  One request...please learn how to navigate through the Philadelphia suburbs.  Other than that, you're golden!  Thank you.
9. To Haribo Gummy Bears.  Even though you chipped one of my fillings, I can't stay mad at you.  You're just so good!
10. To Wikipedia.  Well, I'm sure many of you can figure out why =).


Song of the day: "The Elephant Love Medley" - Moulin Rouge (Soundtrack)

Sunday, November 21, 2010


One good turn deserves another. 

Attention, eligible bachelors in the West Coast (Man-Children need not apply):
::Drum roll::
She's an intellectual without the condescension, shifting from Shakespeare to the Canucks in one effortless turn of the conversation. 
She has elegant fashion taste (even with leopard print pumps) and makes it look effortless.
A natural when it comes to all things kitchen.  Even with GF foods!
She's a hottie.
She's fit (like, "marathoner" fit).
And she's wicked funny.
Here's a lady that would make your mamas proud.

But of course, I can't drop you the 411, just like that. 

So here's a hint: She might swing by in this here Bat Station, if you're lucky ;-). 

Song of the day: "Peel Me A Grape" - Diana Krall

(I think this is what you need after today.)*

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Simmer down!!!

The background:
This past month, I've been having lunch with and getting to know this pretty cute med student. She calls me her "lunch buddy." So yea...

This afternoon, I was doing a consultation when I see her out of the corner of my eye, walk in to the station. She doesn't say hi, she doesn't wave. She talks to another medical student and laughs at his joke or some other random comment.

Then I feel it. That all too familiar gorge rising, my face feeling flush, and the pulse in my temple pound. I was getting pissed. At her. At him. Seriously, I was getting jealous.

It took me a few minutes to settle down. I thought, "What the hell is happening? I'm getting all worked up, about NOTHING!!! WTF, man!!!"

I seriously never pegged myself to be the jealous type. But here I am, "civil as an orange" to quote an old play.

Wow. Who knew?

Song of the day: "Careless" - Amos Lee

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It never fails...

Just when I think I'm having a good day, something always pops up to check me. Case in point, my last interview. The day went on smoothly, and I had a wonderful chat with my interviewer. By the end of it all, she gave me a very good recommendation. I thought, "sweet!"
After the interview, I hightail it to S.J. to get to my other doctor's appointment. I'm going an easy 80 on the Parkway (the same speed as everybody else, mind you), when Mr. State Trooper pulls me over for speeding. Granted, he's just doing his job, but seriously, there were like, 20 other cars going the same speed as me, if not faster! Regardless, I got a $56 ticket (no points, thank you Jesus!) and to top it all off, my car battery dies (I left the hazards and the radio on too long, I guess). Good thing I had my brand spankin' new automatic jump starter handy. It didn't work at first try, but a few adjustments of the clips and my car was back to life.
I made it to my appointment on time, only to find that my doctor is still clueless about my condition. So, she biopsied a piece of my skin (ouch!) and sent me for more blood tests. Lovely.
In summary:
Good = interview
Bad = speeding ticket, dying car battery (I have to buy a new one, BTW), still unknown malady. There are definitely more things to bitch about, but I figure, I should just limit it to the events of the day. Can't be too gloomy, right? Right!

In spite of all that, the interview I think made up for all of this other nonsense. I suppose we'll know in a few months.

Oh, just an update...I passed the 2nd part of my Boards as well as the PE portion! Woo hoo!! No more big exams until next year! Hahhhhhh...that's me breathing a brief sigh of relief...for now.

Song of the day: "Bug In A Web" - CALLmeKAT

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Damn you, Nick Hornby! Why do you have to be so right?!!!

I heard this song a while back and I've been meaning to comment about it here, but alas, I've been sidetracked multiple times.

Well, not today.

Anyhoo...this is probably the most honest story I've heard in a very long time. And the saddest.

What do you think?

Song of the day: "From Above" - Ben Folds and Nick Hornby

Monday, November 1, 2010

Self Dx

OK...after much research, I think I have found a diagnosis for my ailment.

Eczema. Pure and simple. Nummular eczema, I think, to be specific...with matching hand eczema to boot. What pisses me off is that I have no idea what specifically triggered this.
So, I think my dermatologist got my diagnosis wrong, but her prescribed treatment is appropriate for the diagnosis I came up with for myself. The sad part is, I don't know exactly how long I'm to be on the steroids. My skin is drying out: good for the itchy parts, but bad because my skin gets really thin, and it cracks and bleeds. Also, I think I'm having a pretty bad resurgence of acne because of the steroids as well.
The disease process also doesn't necessarily abate like an infection or an injury. I don't have a time frame for how long this condition will last. For now, I'm calling it sub-acute, considering it's been more than a month and it's somewhat under control.
In summary: I'm a poor med student with itchy, bad skin...who owns a car that's making concerning noises despite multiple, costly interventions...and lives out of a suitcase, currently looking for a job. And I'm single. And hungry.

Could be worse.

I could be constipated too.

Song of the day: "Dream About The Future" - The Apples In Stereo