Monday, November 1, 2010

Self Dx

OK...after much research, I think I have found a diagnosis for my ailment.

Eczema. Pure and simple. Nummular eczema, I think, to be specific...with matching hand eczema to boot. What pisses me off is that I have no idea what specifically triggered this.
So, I think my dermatologist got my diagnosis wrong, but her prescribed treatment is appropriate for the diagnosis I came up with for myself. The sad part is, I don't know exactly how long I'm to be on the steroids. My skin is drying out: good for the itchy parts, but bad because my skin gets really thin, and it cracks and bleeds. Also, I think I'm having a pretty bad resurgence of acne because of the steroids as well.
The disease process also doesn't necessarily abate like an infection or an injury. I don't have a time frame for how long this condition will last. For now, I'm calling it sub-acute, considering it's been more than a month and it's somewhat under control.
In summary: I'm a poor med student with itchy, bad skin...who owns a car that's making concerning noises despite multiple, costly interventions...and lives out of a suitcase, currently looking for a job. And I'm single. And hungry.

Could be worse.

I could be constipated too.

Song of the day: "Dream About The Future" - The Apples In Stereo


SSW said...

Oh my all that doesn't quite sound like dating material sweetie...I hope you feeling better...self diagnosing is the best kind because you should know your body better than your Doctor.Good luck! My son has the same problems I think , he was put on antibiotics and some antibiotic cream for the bumps it has taken almost 2 weeks to go away!

the one in the back said...

Well, my diagnosis was confirmed by my test results. And yes, things are a lot better. But not fully there yet. Glad your son is better.