Thursday, April 5, 2007


It's hard to comment on the subject of love, especially coming from one who is not as well-versed as others. It's very difficult for me to quantify my own experience, knowing that the influence of popular culture and pretenses on the subject have greatly influenced my view of it as far as I can recall. From what I can gather in my own accounts (despite being few and far between), the idea of love to me is as elusive as the mountain mist...visible, tangible, yet fleeting, burning away in the light of day. The times I thought I was in love only brought eventual heartache, disappointment, disillusionment. The thought of having one true love is also disconcerting because of my capacity to "move on" and thus finding a new love if you can call it that. I'm not quite sure whether that trait describes my ability to be emotionally resilient to romantic misfortune or perhaps a testament to my inconstant nature, my irreverence for such a noble emotion. Then again, I could be just as confused about all this now as I was back when I was or lust? Where does infatuation end and love begin?

I fear that with this examination, I may have grown mistrustful. You grow to like someone and they seem good enough to gain your trust, but they let you down the minute you lower your guard. I understand people aren't perfect and that promises do get broken, but what I don't comprehend is why people choose not to mend more often than not. Case in point, the high number of ballads about broken hearts only to be topped by the divorce rate in this country. Are relationships that disposable? I suppose it's cheaper to start a new fling than to patch up a broken bond.

Was it wrong for man to bind himself to woman "forever, till death do they part?" Is marriage really such an antiquated and impractical tradition for this day and age, especially when one can easily meet somebody new, somebody more interesting/attractive/etc. at a click of a mouse?

People change like the weather (present company included), so bring an umbrella. And be wary of love songs.


Anonymous said...

That was very much well written/well said. I think we all make it very hard for ourselves believing we can only love once because we want there to be a love that is the best, that is certain (just like in the movies), that is easy because all you should have to do is love. I think relationships need to be portrayed differently if anyone is to succeed in them.

Single and Picky said...

I was going to talk to you about these posts but just in case I forget - we should talk about these - you've got some really good points