Sunday, November 28, 2010

Good song

Don't you just hate it when you got a kick ass song on the radio on your way back home and you're uber pumped and you're singing the shit out of the tune when all of the sudden, you run out of air and you end up choking on your spit as you gasp desperately to catch your breath?  Ugh, now it hurts to cough, it hurts to breathe, and I am not the driving rock star I envisioned myself to be.


P.S. Still coughing.

Song of the day: "No Such Thing As Love" - Bleu


Single and Picky said...

I like the song, but it's a little depressing and the video has me a little confused but heck that also could be because I am too tired and really should be in bed and leaving my commenting to the morning when I'm caffeinated and have something more insightful to say. I think there is such a thing as love - we just suck at taking the risks to get it.

Victoria said...

How mad would it make you if I was giggling at this post?

the one in the back said...

@Vic: Oh I think this is hilarious. I could see myself driving down the freeway straining to hit a high note and then swerving because I'm coughing up a lung.

@S&P: Go caffeine. Yes, nap is good, but caffeine after nap is better. Glad you're not as jaded as me (or Bleu)