Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Off day

I've had bad days, but today, I'm just completely out of it.  I suppose I'm upset at myself for a few reasons. 
1. I completely threw a colleague of mine "under the bus" in front of my attending without even realizing it...basically called him out on a benign faux pas.  I'm not a dick...but on this occasion, I was absolutely not thinking about what I was saying when I mindlessly made a joke about his absence in front of the attending. Bottom line, I did not mean to make him look bad in front of our boss. He called me out and I feel horrible about it.  I apologized, but not quite sure if he accepted.

2. My attending asked me if I had new opinions about the new guidelines pertaining to mammographies and pap smears. And I didn't have one. And for some reason, my not having any opinions about it made me look like I didn't know anything, which makes me feel like shit.  So my indifference towards the subjects made my day more miserable.

To sum up.  I feel guilty and immeasurably stupid.  And I still have a boatload of reading to catch up on.
And I still have to make dinner.
And now thinking about all of this stuff is giving me a headache...which makes me want to punch something or someone...namely myself.


Song of the day: "Comfortably Numb" - Pink Floyd


Single and Picky said...


While I have no articles on paps and mammograms, I will say this - they are even when offered for free (covered medical) poorly complied with - especially pap smear - as some one who spent long hours calling women to remind them, they don't know it's simple, crucial and really does not need to be painful.

As to mammograms in all our attempts to focus on breast cancer we seem to ignore the imperative for women to do the testing, just like prostate exams for men, sure they aren't fun, but really they are the way the cancer is detected, such is life.

PS I understand we're having major work upheaval and I actually have to politely attempt to reprimand a staff member, it's ugly

the one in the back said...

Yep yep. People can seriously get upetty when you fool around with their paps and mammos (That is a wicked double entendre if I've ever seen one).