Saturday, April 10, 2010

Post call

Remember when I was bitching about how I wanted to spite the Ex because I got to thinking about her just recently?
Well, it's still in the works...
It's just that more crap keeps coming up that specifically reminds me of her.
Case in point, this song by Irving Berlin...
This morning, my Attending was post call (been up 24+ hours) and was working @ the clinic with me.  Apparently he is given to acting goofy when he's been up for a whole day/all hopped up on coffee.  While he was working on a patient's chart, he started whistling this song.  Normally, I don't care if people whistled while they worked (my dad does it all the time), but why this song? Why this specific one???

So what makes this song so irritating to me, you ask? Apart from it's devilishly catchy melody, this was the song the Ex sang in a musical revue about Irving Berlin...where She met Him...where She lost Me...and the rest, as they say, is history...

Anyhoo, gritting my teeth, I excused myself from the office and wandered about in the lobby full of patients until I simmered down and had given more than ample time for my attending to finish his performance piece.  In the end, he did make me laugh tho by randomly singing this Dunkin' Donuts jingle, in a baritone voice and with oompa loompa choreography.

That's all I got for now.

Song of the day: "Hannah" - Freelance Whales


Single and Picky said...

Oh dear, *hugs* you are making me feel sad, as such I really don't like her, because she is making me sad. Boo.

Hope things get better.

the one in the back said...

Nah, don't feel sad. I posted the blog strictly because I was quite annoyed by the song. And the whistling thing was so random, kinda took me by surprise. And I figured, I aught to update this piece despite my lack of social advancement.
Anyway, this will all pass, in time. Something or someone will make her memory meaningless eventually.

Single and Picky said...

I hope so - well on the up side you posted - I like it when you post

the one in the back said...

That's the sweetest thing I've heard all day. Thank you =).